Friday, March 2, 2012

Gunderson Dettmer Adds 2 New Partners, Expands Practice in Silicon Valley

Gunderson Dettmer Stough Villeneuve Franklin & Hachigianannounced the expansion of its domestic and international Corporateand Securities practices with the addition of partners Glen VanLigten and David Lee to the firm's Silicon Valley office.

Van Ligten focuses on representing venture capital firms andemerging growth companies in Silicon Valley. Lee counsels emerginggrowth technology companies as well as managing an active practicerepresenting technology focused clients in the United States and inChina.

"We are thrilled to add Glen and David to the Gunderson team. Mypartners and I have practiced opposite them since they were atVenture Law Group 15 years ago and know them to be talented lawyersand practical business people. They share our values andphilosophies for the representation of technology companies andventure capital clients and we expect them to integrate seamlesslyonto our platform," said firm chairman and founding partner, RobertV. Gunderson, Jr. "They will further strengthen our position inNorthern California and add significant additional reach to ourChina practice. Glen and David add the additional talent we need tomaintain high levels of service quality as our clients and practicegrow."

Glen R. Van Ligten is a member of the Corporate and Securitiespractice group which advises emerging companies and venture capitalfirms. Van Ligten represents companies at all stages of thecorporate life-cycle, from pre-incorporation planning to venturecapital financings to mergers and acquisitions. Van Ligtenspecializes in a range of corporate, securities and partnership law,primarily focusing on the formation and financing of venture capitalfunds and emerging growth companies, and also works with investmentbanks involved in public and private stock offerings.

David C. Lee is a member of the Corporate and Securities practicegroup which advises emerging companies and venture capital firms.Lee practices in the areas of corporate formation, venture capitalfinancings, mergers and acquisitions, public offerings, publiccompany securities, and technology licensing transactions.

Lee has an active practice representing China-focused emergingcompanies, both in the United States and in China. He has experiencerepresenting China's leading private and public internet companies.In addition, David's practice involves a broad network ofentrepreneurs, angel investors and venture capitalists that areactive in developing China-focused companies.

Gunderson Dettmer is a specialty business law firm serving theventure capital and emerging growth company marketplace.

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