Wednesday, February 29, 2012

VIC: Main stories in today's Melbourne newspapers

AAP General News (Australia)
VIC: Main stories in today's Melbourne newspapers


Page 1: A multibillion-dollar plan to insulate 2.7 million houses, cutting an estimated
$200 from annual power bills, will be unveiled in the federal government's next package
to shore up the economy; Justice Michael Kirby has retired from the High Court in a blaze
of controversy, accusing fellow judges of exercising racial bias against Aborigines in
the Northern Territory intervention case.

Page 2: The world hasn't stopped turning, just Melbourne's much-hyped Southern Star
Observation Wheel.

Page 3: Child-care centres would be …

NSW:Girl shot in the leg at Corowa home

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW:Girl shot in the leg at Corowa home

SYDNEY, Aug 31 AAP - A 16-year-old girl has been shot in the leg at a home on the NSW/Victorian

Police said the girl's 14-year-old sister was climbing down a ladder while helping
her father remove a rifle from the roof cavity of a house in Corowa when the gun went
off about 4.15pm (AEST) on Tuesday.

The older girl, who was holding the base of the ladder, was shot in her right leg during
the incident.

She was taken to Corowa Hospital and later transferred to Albury Base Hospital where
she remained in a stable condition on Tuesday night.

Police are investigating the incident.

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